Seattle Mayor


Candidates not included in comparison card did not return a questionnaire.

Candidate comparison cards may not adequately reflect nuances between candidate positions. See fully completed questionnaires below that include:

  • Additional comments by the candidate on Yes/No questions

  • Longer-form responses to open-ended questions related to policing and public safety

    • What is your idea of public safety?

    • What does the City of Seattle still need to do to return to full and effective compliance with the Consent Decree on the issue of accountability and deliver police services in a manner that promotes public confidence?

    • What changes would you have to see in the upcoming SPOG contract in order to support it, and if those changes are not made, would you support letting the contract go to interest arbitration?

    • What are your priorities for the qualifications of the next Police Chief?


Bruce Harrell

Bruce has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.

M. Lorena González

Candidate Record

2017 Police Accountability Ordinance

On May 22, 2017, Seattle City Council voted 8-0 to pass legislation relating to civilian oversight of the police.


Bruce Harrell - Absent during vote


M. Lorena González - Voted YES

M. Lorena González statement ahead of Police Accountability Ordinance vote

Full Transcript

2018 Seattle Police Officers Guild Contract

On November 13, 2018, Seattle City Council voted 8-1 to ratify a Seattle Police Officers Guild (SPOG) contract that did not include all provisions of the 2017 Police Accountability Ordinance.


Bruce Harrell - Voted YES

Excerpt of Bruce Harrell statement ahead of SPOG Contract ratification vote:

“And I will vote for this contract, and I will say that we have not rolled back any reforms. …. And I make no excuses about supporting this contract. I will support it and I'll say whatever I have to say when I vote for it, 'cause I think it's a darn good contract - both to achieve accountability and to protect the people that need to be protected in this city.“

Full Transcript


M. Lorena González - Voted YES

Excerpt of M. Lorena González statement ahead of SPOG Contract ratification vote:

“I would suggest that it is incumbent upon the City Council to now take that step - to approve this contract and to petition the Court to, with the City's guidance, evaluate whether the deal represented in this contract meets the mandates of constitutional policing. I believe that the city's best interest in our ongoing journey of reform is best served by pursuing a legally viable path through the judicial process.”

Full Transcript

2021 Mayoral Debate on Public Safety and Police Accountability

The Seattle Community Police Commission (CPC) planned on hosting a mayoral debate focused on public safety and police accountability. Unfortunately, the event was cancelled.


Bruce Harrell - DECLINED to attend

CPC Statement


M. Lorena González

2021 Seattle CPC Mayoral Candidate Questionnaire

The Seattle Community Police Commission (CPC) sent 10 questions covering different topics in police accountability to the mayoral candidates


Bruce Harrell - Responded


M. Lorena González - Responded

Related Candidate Forums

October 28, 2021: Public Health and Safety Seattle Mayoral Debate

Hosted by Washington State Debate Coalition


Bruce Harrell


Lorena González


October 17, 2021: Public Safety Mayoral Candidate Forum

Hosted by Choose180, Black Action Collective, Puget Sound Sage, and ACLU of Washington


Bruce Harrell


Lorena González


Campaign Finance

Information from Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission - updated 10/27/2021

Total Contributions

The total amount of money the campaign has raised.


Bruce Harrell


M. Lorena González


Average Contribution Size

The average amount of money each contributor gave to a candidate.


Bruce Harrell


M. Lorena González


Number of Contributors

The number of contributors each candidate had.


Bruce Harrell


M. Lorena González


Contributions from Democracy Vouchers

The percentage of money raised by each candidate that came from Democracy Vouchers.

  • Bruce Harrell received $525,400

  • M. Lorena González received $642,350


Bruce Harrell


M. Lorena González


Contributions from Outside Seattle

The amount of money each candidate received from outside Seattle.

  • Bruce Harrell received 16% of their campaign funds from outside the City

  • M. Lorena González received 9% of their campaign funds from outside the City


Bruce Harrell


M. Lorena González
