Welcome, Volunteers!
This section of the website is dedicated to everything you need to know about being a member of the Seattle/King County Police Accountability Working Group (SPAWG).
One of the ways to get involved in SPAWG is to join a committee
Action Alert
Education & Public Outreach
Group Organization
King County
State Legislature
Relationship-Building &
Organizational Outreach
Tools We Use
Google Drive
We use Google Drive to organize all of our materials so that many members may access and edit documents.
Sometimes it’s a bit difficult to figure out how to get around. This link takes you to a section of tutorials about our Drive and how it is organized.
Google Groups
We communicate to the entire group using an email list-serve, Google Groups.
We recommend that you learn a tiny bit about what Google Groups is so that you can adjust your own settings.
For example, sometimes it’s overwhelming to receive all the emails we send internally to one another if you’re only volunteering in one specific committee. This link takes you to a section of tutorials about our Google Group and how to customize your settings.
We also use a communication platform called Slack. It’s a way to send messages on specific topics to specific people (not the whole group).
This link will take you to a section of tutorials about Slack and how to optimize your participation on that platform if you choose to. This function of the group is not entirely necessary, but it may make staying on top of tasks more organized and manageable.