2022 Public Safety Voter Guide


The King County Prosecuting Attorney is a non-partisan position elected to a four-year term.

Public Safety and the Role of the King County Prosecutor: Know Before You Vote

September 8, 2022

Presented by: League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County, Federal Way Black Collective, Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle, Puget Sound Passport Rotary Club

Panelists include:

  • Anita Khandelwal, Director of King County Department of Public Defense

  • Chanel Rhymes, Director of Advocacy for the Northwest Community Bail Fund

  • Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecutor

  • Sean Goode, Executive Director of Choose 180

What’s On the Ballot

King County elects its Prosecuting Attorney every four (4) years.

From the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC):

The county prosecuting attorney has major responsibilities as the legal representative of the state and counties in actions and proceedings before the courts and other judicial officers. The prosecuting attorney is the legal advisor and attorney for all county elected and appointed officials. The prosecuting attorney prosecutes violators of state law and county code in the county superior and district courts and appears for and represents the state and county in other types of criminal and civil actions.

Learn More

Community discussion about the role and importance of prosecutors in the criminal legal system

May 31, 2022

Presented by: Washington Innocence Project

The Methodology

Candidate Questionnaire

A candidate questionnaire covering public safety-related issues was sent out to all Prosecuting Attorney candidates in September. We provide the candidates’ full responses to better inform voters on where they stand.

Candidate Ordering

Candidates are listed in the order that they will appear on the ballot.