Kenmore Budget & Public Safety Spending


Kenmore’s Public Safety budget includes expenditures for police, jail, court, prosecution and public defense services. Police services are contracted with the King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) for one Chief, one Detective and 12 Officers. In addition, Kenmore contracts with the South Correctional Entity (SCORE) and King County for jail services. Court services are also contracted with King County. Historically, approximately a third of the General Fund is spent on these services.

Kenmore - Public Safety vs Everything Else.png

The chart below shows the breakdown of the 2021-2022 Adopted Kenmore Budget’s General Fund expenditures. Of the $27.01 million available, $9,152,373 has been allocated to public safety services. Comparing to other categories, the City of Kenmore plans to spend on public safety:

  • 1.2x what it spends on General Government

  • 3.2x what it spends on Development Services

  • 3.4x what it spends on Public Works Parks and Facilities Maintenance

  • 5.4x what it spends on Community Development

  • 5.4x what it spends on Public Works Engineering

Kenmore - 2021-2022 General Fund Expenditures by Category.png


Kenmore’s budget is a reflection of its priorities and gives insight into how elected officials order the importance of different municipal services based on the amount of money allocated to each. By understanding where the Kenmore government spends the City’s money, residents can see whether their values are represented or not.

More Details

From City of Kenmore Adopted Biennial Budget 2021-2022:


The Public Safety cost center contains the expenditures for police, jail, court, prosecution and public defense services. Police services are provided through a contract with the King County Sheriff’s Office, and misdemeanant jail services are provided through a contract with South Correctional Entity Regional Jail (SCORE). The Kenmore Police Department is responsible for the enforcement of State and local laws. The Department's goals are to provide high quality, cost effective law enforcement services and to develop an active partnership with residents, embracing the philosophy of community-oriented policing and problem-solving to reduce crime and the fear of crime.

The Engineering Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for project management of Capital Improvement Program transportation projects, traffic engineering, multimodal traffic monitoring and improvements, managing the six-year transportation improvement program, Target Zero implementation, City Road Standards, Right of Way accessibility, pavement management, Right of Way permitting and inspection, and assisting other City staff on issues related to engineering. 


The Department is responsible for providing leadership in the development and implementation of innovative policies, programs, services and funding strategies that realize the community-generated vision for Kenmore. Such responsibilities include but are not limited to: The Comprehensive Plan (and related development regulations); Downtown Plan; Parks, Recreation, and Open Space (PROS) Plan; Shoreline Master Program; park capital improvement program (CIP) and project management; housing programs and affordable housing targets; strategies to support downtown development and economic development. To meet these responsibilities, the Department must ensure there is a forum for citizen participation and involvement. The Department must ensure Kenmore's compliance with state, regional and other development agency mandates, regulations and policies as well as representing Kenmore's interest in regional partnerships.


The Development Services Department is responsible for oversight of land and building development throughout the City. The Department's mission is to implement the City Council's vision of providing a safe and secure community; sustainable, healthy environment; and a desirable place to work and live. 


The Public Works Parks and Facilities Maintenance cost center accounts for the operation, maintenance, and repair of the City's public parks and facilities, as well as all City owned properties. This budget funds all labor and materials related to landscape maintenance; trails, sidewalks; inspection and repair of play structures; restroom maintenance; sprinkler system maintenance; vandalism repair; litter control; parking lot maintenance, custodial services, utilities, and supplies; routine systems maintenance and inspections (Fire, HVAC, Access Control, Elevator, and Generator).



CIP - Capital Improvement Program

KCSO - King County Sheriff’s Office

PROS - Parks, Recreation, and Open Space

SCORE - South Correctional Entity