King County Charter Amendments

6. Structure and Duties
of the Department of Public Safety

Currently, King County Charter language blocks the Council from being able to make any changes to how policing services are delivered to King County, and has the Sheriff negotiating with their own guild on behalf of public safety. 


WHAT it does:

This amendment allows the King County Council to modify the duties of the King County Sheriff’s Office or merge it with another county department, if appropriate. It also calls for the King County Executive to negotiate contracts with the Officers Guild instead of the Sheriff.

WHY we need it: 

Prevents the conflict of interest created by the Sheriff negotiating with their own union. Ties the duties of the Sheriff to county ordinance (that the Council can modify) in response to public demands for police reform.


ACTION: Vote YES in November!

 NOTE: The ACLU of Washington has not taken a position on any of the amendments. People Power is the grassroots arm of the ACLU - while we adhere to ACLU principles, we are volunteer-driven and do not work for or officially represent the ACLU. People Power activists work in and from their local communities to further civil rights and liberties for all.