King County Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO)


The Office of Law Enforcement Oversight (OLEO) has oversight authority over the administrative investigation of complaints regarding alleged misconduct by any King County Sheriff’s Office (KCSO) employees. These investigations are conducted by the Sheriff’s Office Internal Investigations Unit. OLEO certifies whether the investigations were conducted thoroughly and objectively.

By conducting independent reviews and engaging communities, OLEO seeks to instill public trust in law enforcement, promote transparency and integrity of Sheriff’s Office operations, and help ensure the professionalism of the Sheriff’s Office.

Since its inception in 2006, King County voters and government have struggled to expand the power and authority of the agency. Efforts to authorize OLEO to conduct independent investigations and to have investigative subpoena power are subject to collective bargaining with the King County Police Officers Guild (KCPOG) and to date have not been fully implemented.


The King County Sheriff’s Office has recently come under tremendous scrutiny, as noted in the Community Concerns With Current King County Sheriff. OLEO has provided reports regarding several cases that critics say the Sheriff’s Office mishandled.

Without authority to conduct independent investigations or investigative subpoena powers, the reach of OLEO is limited to making recommendations that are often not carried out by KCSO. As such, their ability to effect meaningful systemic change is hampered.



KCPOG - King County Police Officers Guild

KCSO - King County Sheriff’s Office

OLEO - Office of Law Enforcement Oversight