
What Is It?

De-escalation, broadly speaking, is a behavior that is intended to prevent escalation of conflicts. In relation to police, de-escalation refers to tactics and strategy that an officer should be trained in and required to use in order to minimize escalation and harmful outcomes of interactions with civilians.


Why Care?

De-escalating a situation at the outset of an encounter with armed law enforcement could prevent a deadly outcome.


In the Legislature

HB 1054

Establishing requirements for tactics and equipment used by peace officers

HB 1310

Concerning permissible uses of force by law enforcement and correctional officers


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Take Action

HB 1054 has been moved to the Rules Committee. Take action today to help make sure it gets to the floor for a vote!


Contact Your Legislators

Contact your legislators to share your support for HB 1054 and HB 1310. You can do so by clicking on the buttons below, then pressing on the “Comment on this bill” button.

This is especially impactful if your legislators are members of the House Public Safety Committees. You can find your legislators here and the members of the House Public Safety Committee are here.

Give Public Testimony

Support this bill by providing testimony, written or live.

When HB 1054 is being heard in committee, you may submit written testimony, or testify live by clicking on the “Sign In for Testimony” button below. After you are redirected, you will want to:

  1. Click on the House button

  2. Use the dropdown menus on the next page to select the committee and meeting date

  3. Select the type of testimony you wish to submit and follow the instructions

Spread the Word

Consider sharing this resource with your network so that your friends, family, and colleagues who are interested can also get involved!


Participate in Virtual Lobby Days

Make your and other voices heard by joining this session’s “virtual” lobby days.