Seattle City Council District No. 2
Additional Comments:
Margaret Elisabeth: It’s clear this service would be helpful to residents of Seattle
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: Everyone deserves a real living wage
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: It’s imperative that Seattle implement it’s Green New Deal policies immediately.
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: Sweeps are inhumane and don’t solve the prolbem
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: We must be fiscally prudent with our resources and use them to benefit the most people.
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: Portugal has shown the world the way to address these issues is through safety and education, not criminialzation.
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: South Seattle sees a disproportionate share of gun violence and it needs to be seriously addressed.
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: <No additional comments>
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: I propose a real living wage of $25/hr tied to inflation, housing, healthcare, food and transportation. Workers should be able to live a comfortable life in the city they work.
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: <No additional comments>
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: Public oversight of the police is paramount to rebuilding community trust.
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: Civilian oversight is paramount
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: <No additional comments>
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth: Uniform work is for official police business only.
Tammy J. Morales: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Tanya Woo: <Did not complete questionnaire>
Margaret Elisabeth
Free Response Questions
Public safety means that a person can walk down the street to a local shop without fear of being victimized. While hard to measure in a discrete manner, lessening instances of gun violence would be a clear indicator of an increase in public safety.
The South Side of Seattle has traditionally been under-served in all areas including public safety. Public safety includes things such as protected bicycle lanes and side-walks to reduce incidents of pedestrian injuries. I propose increasing protected bicycle lanes by 25 miles throughout South Seattle which also reduces reliance upon autos which account for 60% of the carbon emissions in our city.
Civilian oversight needs to be implemented with real world consequences for officers who are found guilty of violating the rights of our citizens. They should not be given a recommendation when transferring to another police force.
City-wide Crisis response teams for urgent but not emergency calls. We don’t need armed police officers showing up at the home of an upset person, we need people who are trained to help deescalate the situation and connect the person to whatever resources and help they may need.
Single-payer city wide healthcare
Right to Shelter
A Real Living Wage
The Green New Deal
Tammy J. Morales
Tammy has not completed People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.
Tanya Woo
Tanya has not completed People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.