Legislative District 46

State Senator

Additional Comments:

  • Javier Valdez: <No additional comments>

    Matthew Gross: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Alex Tsimerman: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Javier Valdez: <No additional comments>

    Matthew Gross: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Alex Tsimerman: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Javier Valdez: <No additional comments>

    Matthew Gross: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Alex Tsimerman: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Javier Valdez: <No additional comments>

    Matthew Gross: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Alex Tsimerman: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Javier Valdez: <No additional comments>

    Matthew Gross: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Alex Tsimerman: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Javier Valdez: <No additional comments>

    Matthew Gross: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Alex Tsimerman: <Did not complete questionnaire>

Free Response Questions

  • My idea of public safety is being able to live and work in your community without fear of economic, criminal, or health related factors endangering that. Through tracking health outcomes, incidents of violent crimes, and traffic safety, we can have a better understanding on how well our approaches impact the actual day-to-day lives of people.

  • I have been a leader in the legislature on preventing gun violence through my legislation banning "ghost guns" and, just last session, the sale of high capacity magazines. I opposed the rollback of police accountability bills last session and will continue to fight for police accountability. We have made progress in moving towards our Target Zero plan, ending deaths and serious injuries on Washington's roadways by 2030, but we must continue to invest in highway safety and pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure.

  • I am open to any and all accountability measures, we must ensure that police are accountable to the communities that they police and we should encourage measures that work for and reflect those communities.

Rep Javier Valdez Voting Record

Note: Javier served in the House 2021-2022 and is now running for the Senate

To learn more about these bills and why People Power Washington supported or opposed them, please check out our Voting Record explainer:


Matthew Gross (Democratic Party)

Matthew has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.

Alex Tsimerman (Standup-America Party)

Alex has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.