Legislative District 38

State Representative Position 1 

Additional Comments:

  • Bert Johnson: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Julio Cortes: Yes, I do. These stops make our communities of color anxious and afraid rather than safe. We should move away from using armed law enforcement and traffic stops to deal with these low-level violations.

    Daryl Williams: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Gary Kemp: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Bert Johnson: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Julio Cortes: Yes! Having an Independent Prosecutor will give victims a better chance of seeking and achieving justice. It will also hold law enforcement accountable and incentivize them to better serve the communities they should be protecting.

    Daryl Williams: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Gary Kemp: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Bert Johnson: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Julio Cortes: I believe that our criminal justice system should be just and fair for all parties involved. This means we should remove all obstacles that prevent victims from receiving justice, such as qualified immunity. States should also play a bigger role in holding law enforcement accountable.

    Daryl Williams: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Gary Kemp: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Bert Johnson: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Julio Cortes: Everyone needs to be held accountable for their actions, and that includes the police. There is no way to feel safe in your community if you don’t have faith in those who have the responsibility to protect and serve. If we want to keep strong ties between law enforcement and the communities that they serve then it is imperative that law enforcement departments maintain their transparency. If there are repeated patterns of misconduct then the state must get involved and resolve the issue.

    Daryl Williams: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Gary Kemp: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Bert Johnson: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Julio Cortes: Yes, as mentioned above, I am a strong believer in strengthening law enforcement accountability. I believe accountability and transparency are the key components in building back trust in law enforcement. We have to stand firm in how we address these very real issues that impact our communities all across the country, and we need to do so with synergy and cooperation with the police and the community. By having a uniform statewide protocol, we can ensure that each precinct is held to the same standards.

    Daryl Williams: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Gary Kemp: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Bert Johnson: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Julio Cortes: Long term solitary confinement only serves to punish and does nothing to benefit the community as a whole. I believe that we should shift our focus away from punitive measures to more rehabilitative ones.

    Daryl Williams: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Gary Kemp: <Did not complete questionnaire>

Bert Johnson (Republican Party)

Bert has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.

Free Response Questions

  • Our communities deserve to feel safe and at peace. We have to work to prioritize the needs of our communities and support our law enforcement. Residents want to feel safe in their communities. Law enforcement is needed, but it must better reflect the community it serves. I will fully support a more diverse police force to ensure strong connections and trust continue between law enforcement and the community. Additionally, the type of dangers that law enforcement officers face is changing. I believe we must ensure our officers are trained accordingly and have the necessary tools and specialized staff needed to ensure their safety and the safety of the community. As State Representative, I will work to strengthen our Police force by giving them these tools that are necessary to respond to calls safely and appropriately. We have to work to prioritize the needs of our communities and support our law enforcement through accountability and resources.

  • I would strengthen our Police force by giving them the tools and specialized staff necessary to respond to calls safely and appropriately, and I would also support a more diverse police force that reflects the community it serves to ensure strong connections and trust continue between law enforcement and the community.

  • I’d like to see enhanced training around de-escalation tactics for police. Statewide only 8 hours are required in de-escalation training, I know some cities require more but Statewide I believe we should make 40 hours the requirement. Our officers should be better trained in de-escalation tactics to ensure their safety and the safety of our communities.

Daryl Williams (Democratics Party)

Daryl has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.

Gary Kemp (Republican Party)

Gary has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.