Legislative District 34

State Senator

Additional Comments:

  • Tony Mitchum: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Joe Nguyen: I have a bill for this and the state Supreme Court just ruled that law enforcement cannot engage in race based traffic stops.

    John Potter: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Amber Bennett: Seattle crime is out of control and Washington legislation has made it harder for cops to pull people over. Crime has increased and the victims have been largely been people of color.

    Goodspaceguy: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Tony Mitchum: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Joe Nguyen: <No additional comments>

    John Potter: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Amber Bennett: <No additional comments>

    Goodspaceguy: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Tony Mitchum: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Joe Nguyen: <No additional comments>

    John Potter: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Amber Bennett: Unsure - I think that each case should be scrutinized and decided individually. I can’t solidify an opinion without more information.

    Goodspaceguy: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Tony Mitchum: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Joe Nguyen: <No additional comments>

    John Potter: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Amber Bennett: Maybe - With our current AG in Washington Bob Ferguson, I don’t trust his ability to investigate.

    Goodspaceguy: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Tony Mitchum: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Joe Nguyen: <No additional comments>

    John Potter: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Amber Bennett: I’m not convinced that there is a lack of public trust. I am convinced that my constituents want more police and less crime. They are also tired of our judicial system not carrying out proper sentencing.

    Goodspaceguy: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Tony Mitchum: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Joe Nguyen: <No additional comments>

    John Potter: <Did not complete questionnaire>

    Amber Bennett: I believe outdoor recreation is essential for anyone’s mental health. Solitary confinement seems like it would be counter productive.

    Goodspaceguy: <Did not complete questionnaire>

Tony Mitchum (States No Party Preference)

Tony has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.

Free Response Questions

  • Public safety is more than law enforcement officials. It’s access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.

  • During my term I have championed funding for basic needs programs, expansions of healthcare including behavioral and mental health and invested in the health of our economy. We are not done and I will continue that work.

  • Recruitment is also an important component. We need LEOs that are from the community and reflect the communities they serve.

Sen Joe Nguyen Voting Record

To learn more about these bills and why People Power Washington supported or opposed them, please check out our Voting Record explainer:


John Potter (Republican Party)

John has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.

Free Response Questions

  • There aren’t enough cops to combat crime. Morale is down. Criminals flock to this state because they know they won’t get arrested. And if they do, they are out of custody almost the same day.

  • We need to educate our youth to respect police officers. We need to repeal some legislation that limits the officer’s ability to pursue and detain. We need to focus on community policing to get cops and community members to trust each other. We need to demand that our judicial system is sentencing criminals based on the severity of the crime.

  • Basically- Whatever we are doing is not working. Seattle is no longer the beautiful city it once was. We have criminals that know we are a sanctuary state and won’t be prosecuted. My constituents are fed up and feel the city and this state care more about criminal’s rights than the tax-paying victims and their families.

Goodspaceguy (Republican Party)

Goodspaceguy has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.