Legislative District 7

State Representative Position 1 

Additional Comments:

  • Lonny Ray Williams: I Believe in empowering law enforcement to do their duty to support and defend our Federal and State Constitutions and to enforce constitutional laws that have been enacted in Washington. Conditioning individuals to disobey laws leads to chaos. Our Constitutional Republic was formed to preserve liberty and we must repeal unconstitutional laws by conducting a constitutional audit to ensure that the laws on the books allow the greatest extent of liberty possible. The problem is not the police (generally speaking) it is the leadership that does not have a high standard for it's officers.

    Jacquelin Maycumber: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Lonny Ray Williams: Independent Prosecutors have a history of not being independent. A citizens Grand Jury would be more effective at determining whether the citizens feel that charges need to go forward. Then an unbiased prosecution can commence. Regardless of what procedure the people ultimately settle on, complete transparency and neutrality should be the goal.

    Jacquelin Maycumber: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Lonny Ray Williams: An agent of government needs some protections to do their job; however, everyone needs to be held accountable for crimes. I don't believe in blanket immunity. I do support holding criminals accountable in or out of uniform. Civil rights are absolute, and officers need to understand that their power is derived from the people. The issue here is standards of employment and not holding leadership accountable for failing to set those standards. Opening officers up to personal litigation ensures that it will be nearly impossible to retain and recruit good officers in an already hostily atmosphere against law enforcement.

    Jacquelin Maycumber: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Lonny Ray Williams: The Attorney Generals office is a partisan office that has demonstrated a bias in going after individuals that are not aligned while not pursuing others that are aligned. Any office that is to be in a position of review with respect from a civil rights stand point should, be nonpartisan. Leadership from both parties has a track record of being unable to investigate things from a neutral perspective, we need to restore the faith in government by removing partisan oversight of civil rights issues.

    Jacquelin Maycumber: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Lonny Ray Williams: Currently there is a generalization of law enforcement, due to mismanagement in many urban jurisdictions, and some rural ones. Statewide protocols strip away the Founding Fathers vision of local control of the people, by the people, and for the people. The way to deal with challenges in local jurisdictions is through local ordinances that ensure that civil liberties are protected. Once size fits all state laws often serve nobody well and create more problems than they solve. Our Founding Fathers knew that less government is more conducive to civil liberty, not more. Legislation that empowers local control is my preferred solution.

    Jacquelin Maycumber: <Did not complete questionnaire>

  • Lonny Ray Williams: Solitary confinement is inhumane for any long term situation longer than a reasonable period when an inmate gets out of hand and presents a danger to others. All human beings deserve respect, dignity, and the ability to maintain their physical and mental health through their periods of confinement.

    Jacquelin Maycumber: <Did not complete questionnaire>

Free Response Questions

  • Our Founding Fathers made it clear. If you do not have the power or authority to tell your neighbor to do something, then we cannot give that power to government. We need to roll back many senseless, arbitrary, and entrapment laws that have turned law some law enforcement officers into piggy banks for the state. We need minimum standards of respect and acknowledgement that all government employees are servants of the people and not centurions. I believe in protecting officers from their dangerous duty, but they need not look like an Infantry Soldier ready to storm the trenches.

    We do need peace officers to preserve the peace in our communities. We need law enforcement to ensure that the laws that the people enact through their government are followed. And we need to teach people that respect for the constitutional laws of the people is paramount to the survival of our Constitutional Republic.

  • Roll back senseless laws that strip away liberties and have no constitutional validity. Second teach people their civic responsibility in standing up for their liberty by going to their local government meetings and participating in the process. This way they know and understand when legislators, commissioners, and local board members are carrying out their duties in a constitutional manner that takes their liberties into consideration.

    Second the most important thing for people to understand that in this Nation your public safety is your own responsibility. We apportion a bit of our own power through our legislative process to empower a moral, fair, person to provide for our public safety through police, fire, and other agencies. Giving more of our power away to these agencies in the name of public safety is not the best idea if a people desire to be free. Having the state mandate what degree of power is given or taken away on a local level is the least supportive of liberty. Empowering local control for Counties and rolling back big government on a State and Federal level is where we should be focusing our efforts to bring back liberty.

    Teaching the History of our Founding era using original sources such as diaries, letters, and material from the era to help develop critical thinking skills and a respect for the opportunities and responsibilities of liberty, is also crucial. When people understand that civil liberties require respect and work to maintain, and are not just an instrument of selfishness, then we can return much of the harmony that has been lost over the past few decades.

    From my experience, conversation based on mutual respect, outlasts, and outperforms any lawsuit or injunction We need to learn to talk to one another again and stop fighting each other.

  • Empowering local government to ensure that they can enact the types of reform or accountability is the way we should go. It is important to note that we should not legislate morality, yet we must protect those who chose to live a moral life. The balance here is when a person's liberty infringes on the rights of others they are in the wrong. How do we ultimately want to deal with that as a society without creating a career criminal who has little hope of reform or restitution?

Jacquelin Maycumber (Republican Party)

Jacquelin has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.

Rep Jacquelin Maycumber Voting Record

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