Kenmore City Council Position No. 2


Candidates not included in comparison card did not return a questionnaire.

Candidate comparison cards may not adequately reflect nuances between candidate positions. See fully completed questionnaires below that include:

  • Additional comments by the candidate on Yes/No questions

  • Longer-form responses to open-ended questions related to policing and public safety

    • What is your idea of public safety? What are tangible ways to measure progress towards this goal?

    • Kenmore’s police contract continues to be the city’s largest expenditure: over $4.2m in 2021, and projected at over $4.3m in 2022. What reductions, if any, would you support when the contract is up for renewal?

    • In 2020 King County voters, including 58.4% of Kenmore voters, approved King County Charter Amendment 6 allowing for modification of the structure and duties of the King County Sheriff’s Office. What specific changes are you hoping to see? What actions are you taking to work toward this?

    • Given the abuses, misconduct, faulty investigations, and non-cooperation with the inquest process, what can be done in Kenmore to restore community confidence in the King County Sheriff’s Office and Kenmore Police Department?

    • What will you do to encourage supportive and low-income housing in Kenmore (0-30% AMI)?

    • During the 2021 legislative session, HB1310 was passed to govern when and how police can use force against members of the public. The law creates an expectation for officers to de-escalate and requires police to exercise care in the use of any force, in order to reduce violence and prioritize the sanctity of life. How do you envision implementation of HB1310 in your police department?

    • The Kenmore police chief has publicly stated that there is confusion around recently passed state policing reform laws. If elected, what steps will you take to address the confusion so that the department can effectively follow the law and support public safety?


Joe Marshall

Joe has not completed ACLU People Power Washington’s candidate questionnaire.